Thursday, November 05, 2009

please don't put plastic in my diet

Monday I volunteered at Sweetwater Brewing Co. for a fundraiser for Green Plate . What is Green Plate? I pulled this from their website.
To the public, we provide products that aid in the reduction of single-use plastics. For restaurants and businesses, we provide resources, tools, products and training to reduce their environmental impact AND save green.

In the Pacific Ocean there's an area twice the size of Texas where the plastic to plankton ratio has been measured as more than 6:1. We now know 90% of marine trash is made of plastic - and 80% comes from land and local watersheds. Plastic is being mistaken for krill, eaten by fish, and is now entering our food chain.


Support this great cause by visiting their website and learning more about the Half Off Green program. Where you can get 50% off gift cards to local, green businesses.

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